Operating rules

Thank you for choosing to spend time with us and our puppies. To ensure that your visit is as enjoyable and safe as possible for everyone, we ask that you follow the following rules and guidelines.

General rules

Footwear: Inside the studio we ask that you remain barefoot or use clean socks.

Arrival: Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the lesson. This will allow you to get ready, get seated and prepare your booking confirmation with QR code.

Personal stuff: Keep your personal belongings in designated areas. Keep locker keys, phones, earrings well away from puppies for their safety. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items.

Health and Safety: inform the instructor of any medical restrictions or needs before the lesson.

General rules: Running, jumping and other loud or disruptive language is prohibited in lessons.

Other: it is forbidden to smoke, consume alcoholic beverages or other narcotic or psychotropic substances during the lesson.

Health and hygiene:

Hand hygiene: Please wash your hands and use hand sanitizer when entering the studio and before interacting with puppies.

Health: If you are not feeling well, please consider attending a class.

Rules for interaction with puppies:

Gentleness: always treat puppies gently and with respect. Follow the instructor’s instructions for safe interaction.

Movement in the hall: It is important to move slowly and always look under your feet for the safety of the puppies.

Food and treats: do not give puppies any food or treats without prior approval from the instructor.

Camera use: photography and filming is allowed, but please do so with consideration for other participants. If your photos are posted, we will be happy to tag our @petsyogacz account on Instagram or TikTok.


Participants attend classes at their own risk. PetsYoga is not responsible for any injury or damage incurred during the lesson